Monday 2 April 2007

Glueing the panels together

I'm now ready to tack the panels together. I mixed the epoxy with Flag resin, taped the outside chines between the copper wire then pushed the epoxy mix from the inside and let it cure - that was Friday evening. On Sunday I removed all the spacers and staples and started to fill a few of the remaining gaps before running out of time.

Also managed to borrow my neighbours router and finished the portage yoke. It still needs to have the edges bevelled but aside from that it's finished.

Cut out the triangular bulkhead panels that fit on top. I placed the front pointy end on a brick then loaded another load of bricks on top to bend the ply so hopefully it will take the shape of the fore and aft of the canoe.

A colleague kindly dropped off my deck plates that I bought from a US supplier. I'll dry fit them this evening to check the hole size in the bulkhead.

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