Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Dedham to Flatford

Took the "Big Blue Canoe" out on the ICC club night and put in at Dedham. Got there a bit late so the carpark was pretty full. The wind was quite strong in places; especially where there were open fields and no trees. The canoe tracks well and is very stable but as previously found out it's not that manoeuvrable e.g. turning on its axis.

During the lesson we tried doing some prys, the boat moved sideways but also seemed to be moving forward too. I think this was due more to my technique than the canoe.

We got down to the lock gates at Flatford (scene of Constable's "The Hay Wain") where the Trusty II was moored. This is an electric boat that does river trips up and down the Stour. They also rent out some row boats of which there were a few about so some dodging was required.

Chris demonstrated an unusual technique of propelling the canoe forwards without a paddle. He stood on the stern gunnels and bounced until forward motion was acheived then promptly lost his balance but credit to him he managed not to fall in. I'm going to try this at the next training night since we're doing rescues and will be wet anyway.

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